Medical Writing
Writing Samples
The Influence of a Night-Float Call System on the Incidence of Unintentional Dural Puncture: A Retrospective Impact Study. Anesth Analg 2015.
Coagulation profile changes and safety of epidural analgesia after hepatectomy: a retrospective study. J Anesth. 2015.
Management of labor analgesia in a patient with acute myeloid leukemia. A&A Case Reports. 2014.
A Difficult Conversation, The Intima: A Narrative Medicine Journal, 2021
Vaccine Hesitancy: An Historical Perspective. San Antonio Medicine Magazine. 2021.
Advice to aspiring medical students on work-life balance. KevinMD.com. 2020.
COVID-19: A Local Lab's Experience. San Antonio Medicine Magazine. 2019.
Am I a doctor or a mother first? KevinMD.com. 2018.